El progreso en las técnicas quirúrgicas y el estudio de la biomecánica, fisiología, y en definitiva, de las patologías de la mano, ha provocado en las últimas décadas grandes avances en el abordaje conservador y post - quirúrgico de las lesiones de la mano.

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domingo, 13 de octubre de 2013

Orthosis Versus Splint

Looking for information on terminology, I have find problems at the time of writing a scientific article by the nomenclature used in hand therapy about splint..orthosis..orthotic...

I would like to share with you this summary in case you need.

Although we have used the term‘‘splint’’ for many years, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
Services  (CMS) does not recognize these devices by that name. They designate the term ‘‘Orthotic devices’’ (orthoses) as defined in the 2008 DMEPOS Quality Standards.

Orthotic Devices: Rigid and semirigid devices used for the purpose of supporting a weak or deformed
body member or restricting or eliminating motion in a diseased or injured part of the body.

CMS also uses the term ‘‘Orthoses’’ in the level II Health care Common Procedural Coding System (HCPCS) when referring to the L code definitions. 
A splint is described using Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) as casts and strapping. 
Therefore, it is imperative that we make a shift in the terminology that we use in our:

1. Documentation,
2. Patient education,
3. Student education,
4. Therapist continuing
5. Publications,
6. Literature/research, and
7. Communication with physicians
and payers.

I understand that this may be confused
Here you are  "key words"  to remember before writing a scientific article

 Proper terminology (ABSTRACT)

Splint - orthosis
Splints - orthoses or othotic devices
Splinting as a skill - orthotic fabrication skill(s)
Splinting as a component of a treatment plan - orthotic intervention
Splinting as in splinting a joint - orthotic positioning, orthotic

Jerry J. Coverdale, OT, CHT—ASHT (An Editorial Note on Nomenclature, Journal Hand Therapy)

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